Event News
Indian Defence Attache visits Naval Headquarters

The Defence Attaché of the Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka, Captain Ashok Rao paid a visit into Naval Headquarters, today (07th July 2020).
07 Jul 2020
Navy rescues Whale Shark at Ninthaur beach

SL Navy rescued a Whale Shark (RhincodonTypus) that was stranded to Ninthaurbeach area in Kalmunaiand supported it to swim deep waters, on 06th July 2020.
07 Jul 2020
Navy holds five persons engaged in illegal fishing

Five (05) persons who engaged in illegal fishing were apprehended by Navy during a patrol carried out in the seas south of Kakathivu island, on 05th July 2020.
07 Jul 2020
Three (03) more naval personnel discharged from hospitals following full recovery from COVID – 19, taking total recoveries to 888

Another 03 naval personnel who had contracted COVID-19 and underwent treatment in hospitals, were discharged from them after gaining full recovery from the virus, confirmed by PCR tests, on 06th July 2020.
07 Jul 2020
Navy launches series of beach cleaning programmes in Northern Naval Command

In line with the beach cleaning drives of the Sri Lanka Navy, the Northern Naval Command launched a series of beach cleaning programmes on 04th and 05th July 2020, in order to preserve the pristineness of the beaches in the Jaffna Peninsula.
06 Jul 2020
Building for yoghurt project declared open at SLNS Mahanaga

The dedicated building constructed for the Seva Vanitha yoghurt project was declared open at SLNS Mahanaga on 04th July 2020.
06 Jul 2020
Navy starts disinfection of school and educational institution premises

Sri Lanka Navy conducted 02 disinfection programmes at the Mayurapada Central College in Narammala, Kurunegala and College of Technology in Maradana on 05th July 2020.
06 Jul 2020
Navy assists apprehension of 02 persons for possession of 02 locally made guns

The Navy nabbed 02 suspects for possession of 02 locally made guns, during a search conducted with the Police in the general area of Nochchimunai, Kilinochchi on 05th July 2020.
06 Jul 2020
Navy apprehends 09 persons for engaging in illegal fishing using unauthorized nets

The Navy apprehended 09 persons for engaging in illegal fishing using unauthorized nets, during a patrol conducted in the sea area off Pulmoddai on 05th July 2020. Along with the suspects about 200kg of illegally caught fish were also taken into naval custody.
06 Jul 2020
Another 02 naval personnel discharged from hospitals following full recovery from COVID – 19, taking total recoveries to 885

Another 02 naval personnel who had contracted COVID-19 and underwent treatment in hospitals, were discharged from them after gaining full recovery from the virus, confirmed by PCR tests, on 05th July 2020.
06 Jul 2020