Event News
Thirty naval personnel tested negative to COVID-19 discharged from hospitals - Recovered number increases up to 151

Another 30 (30) naval personnel infected with coronavirus and underwent treatment in hospitals, were discharged from the hospitals being tested negative to COVID-19, on 14th May 2020.
15 May 2020
Interest free loan awarded for 150 Senior Sailors

Handing over the cheques of interest free loan facility valued Five Hundred Thousand rupees (Rs.500,000/=) for hundred and fifty (150) Senior Sailors of Sri Lanka Navy were carried out from 11th to 14th May 2020. These cheques were handed over at the Naval bases where these senior sailors are serving and at their residencies for the senior sailors who are on leave prior to retirement.
14 May 2020
Navy receives ‘Udekki Beach Resort’ for naval personnel to take breath following full recovery from virus

The ‘Udekki Beach Resort’ in Kalpitiya was formally handed over to the Sri Lanka Navy on 13th May 2020 to be used as a provision for welfare facilities, in line with the Navy’s mission to suppress COVID-19. The arrangements for the delivery of this facility were made by the brother of late Lieutenant Commander Cedric Martenstyn, in memory of his beloved brother. Late Lieutenant Commander Cedric Martenstyn, who laid down his life for the territorial integrity of the motherland, rendered a noble service as a Commanding Officer of the Navy’s Special Boat Squadron.
14 May 2020
Another fifty nine naval personnel tested negative to COVID-19 discharged from hospitals-Recovered number increases up to 121

Another fifty nine (59) naval personnel infected with coronavirus and underwent treatment in hospitals, were discharged from the hospitals being tested negative to COVID-19, on 13th May 2020.
14 May 2020
International Lions Club in joint hands with ITN donate face masks and PPE to Navy required for fight against COVID-19

A stock of face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which are required to use in programmes undertaken by the Navy in view of arresting the spread of COVID-19 in the country, was donated to the Navy by International Lions Club in joint hands with Independent Television Network, at the Naval Headquarters today (13th May 2020).
13 May 2020
Two hundred and twenty three (223) family members of naval personnel leave quarantine centers after successful quarantine process

With completion of their quarantine process two hundred and twenty three (223) family members of naval personnel who belong to 58 families left the quarantine centers, on 12th and 13th May 2020.
13 May 2020
Navy recovers a cache of grenades

A cache of explosive was recovered by Navy during a search carried out in Chalai area on 12th May 2020.
13 May 2020
Navy recovers the dead body of a drowned person

Navy carried out a diving operation in search of a person who had drowned and gone missing in Muthukandiya reservoir in Monaragala, on 12th May 2020 and recovered the dead body of the missing person.
13 May 2020
Other ten naval personnel tested negative to COVID-19 discharged from hospitals

Other ten (10) coronavirus infected naval personnel who were under treatment in hospitals, were discharged being tested negative to COVID-19, on 12th May 2020.
13 May 2020
Navy assists to raid illegal cannabis chena

A secretly cultivated cannabis chena in Thanamalwila area was raided and apprehended a suspect, during a combined operation conducted by Navy in coordination with Police STF-Ambalanthota on 12th May 2020.
13 May 2020