Event News
Navy clears the blockage under Wakwella Bridge to avert possible threat of flooding

The Navy removed branches and debris collected at the underside of Wakwella Bridge in Galle and made its free flow of water, as prior preparation of averting a possible threat of flooding, on 10th May 2020.
11 May 2020
Person possessed heroin apprehended by Navy

During a joint operation conducted by Sri Lanka Navy and Divisional Anti Corruption Unit-Hambanthota, a person with heroin was apprehended at Koholankala area in Hambanthota, today (10th May 2020).
10 May 2020
Navy removes debris underside Agaliya bridge as prior response to flood threat

The Navy on 09th May 2020, sprang into action to remove branches and twigs of trees and debris collected at the underside of Galle, Agaliya bridge which made the area in danger of flooding due to its blockage of free down flow.
10 May 2020
Navy apprehends 03 persons engaged in fishing blasting explosive

Navy apprehended 03 persons who engaged in illegal fishing blasting explosive, during a search operation carried out at Malaimunthal sea area in Trincomalee, on 09th May 2020.
10 May 2020
Navy receives a stock of face masks from civilians of Ragama area

The resident civilians in Ragama area donated a stock of face masks to the Sri Lanka Navy, in support of its efforts to control the spread of new coronavirus in the country, today (09th May 2020).
09 May 2020
Senior retired naval officers donate essential items to the Navy to continue its fight against COVID-19

Senior retired naval officers belonging to the 10thintake of Officer Cadets handed over a stock of vacuum flasks to the Navy at the Naval Headquarters today (09th May 2020). These items are expected to be used in programmes which are undertaken by the Navy in view of arresting the spread of COVID-19 in the country.
09 May 2020
Another 14 inmates proceed home after quarantine process at Boossa Naval quarantine centre

Another 14 persons who successfully completed their quarantine process at the quarantine centre established at Boossa Naval Base, left for their homes on 08th and 09th May 2020.
09 May 2020
First COVID-19 infected naval person discharged from hospital

Five heroic naval persons including the first naval person from Polonnaruwa area and other four naval personnel tested positive to COVID-19 who had been admitted for treatment, being tested negative to COVID-19 by PCR tests, were discharged from the hospitals on 08th and 09th May 2020.
09 May 2020
Religious observances fulfilled in Naval Bases commemorating the thrice-blessed day of Lord Buddha in blessings of universe

In commemoration of the Vesak day which marks the Birth, the Enlightenment and the Passing Away of the Gautama Buddha, Religious observances were fulfilled in the premises of all Naval Bases. During these events, blessings were evoked for rapid recovery of all naval personnel under treatment for COVID-19, Sri Lankans and entire human beings who suffer from the pandemic spread all over the world.
08 May 2020
Sixteen naval personnel tested negative to COVID-19 discharged from hospitals

Another 02 naval personnel infected with coronavirus and underwent treatment in hospitals, were discharged from the hospitals being tested negative to COVID-19, on 07th May 2020.
08 May 2020