Event News
Navy performs another musical evening in Gampaha

With the aspiration of providing a sort of consolation for the deprived minds of the people confined to homes under curfew in Western Province, the Navy conducted a musical programme in Gampaha area on 21st April 2020.
22 Apr 2020
Navy recovers RPG at Saukkadi beach

A rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) was recovered by Navy during a search carried out at Saukkadi beach in Manipai, Jaffna on 21st April 2020.
22 Apr 2020
Navy holds five persons engaged in illegal fishing with banned nets

Five (05) persons who engaged in illegal fishing using banned nets were apprehended by Navy during a patrol carried out at Udappuwa area in the Mundalama lagoon, on 21st April 2020.
22 Apr 2020
Anura Bandara Herath, a crew member of Italy-bound cruise ship MSC ‘Magnifica’ and two others leave for home after Quarantine

Mr. Anura Bandara Herath who was facilitated by the Navy to get him back to Sri Lanka on 6th April 2020 while performing duties aboard the Italian cruise ship MSC ‘Magnifica’ and two other persons left for home on 21st April 2020 after completion of their quarantine period at the Boossa Naval Quarantine Centre.
22 Apr 2020
Safety medical outfits donated to Oluvil Naval Quarantine Center by private firms and civil organizations

A stock of Safety medical outfits required for the naval personnel serving in the Naval Quarantine Center at Oluvil, was donated to the Navy by Hydramani Pentex Ltd. in Kahathuduwa and “The Fight Against Corona Team”, at the headquarters of Southeastern Naval Command, on 21st April 2020.
21 Apr 2020
Navy extends musical entertainment for people in Mahara, Kadawatha

The Navy launched another step of their musical programmes which were commenced in view of providing some respite to the people confined at apartments under self-quarantine in Colombo district, at Mahara area in Kadawatha on 20th April 2020.
21 Apr 2020
Navy hands over stock of medical outfits to Public Service United Nurses' Union

A stock (150) of medical outfits, worn by healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients, was handed over to the Chairman of the Public Service United Nurses' Union (PSUNU) Ven. Muruttetuwe Ananda Thero by the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva at the Naval Headquarters today (21st April 2020).
21 Apr 2020
Navy sterilizes Central Fish Market-Paliyagoda

SL Navy carried out a disinfection programme over all the locations at the Central Fish Market in Paliyagoda, today (21st April 2020).
21 Apr 2020
Navy assists to apprehend six persons with illegal drugs

Even under the disastrous situation in the country, many anti drug operations to prevent drug smuggling activities across the seas and over the land are being conducted by SL Navy which is contributing in the national effort of wiping out the drug menace from the island.
21 Apr 2020
A person associated with COVID-19 infected victim directed for quarantine

A resident of Ja Ela area who had associated with a COVID-19 infected victim, was directed for quarantine by the Navy on 20th April 2020.
21 Apr 2020