Event News
Navy nabs two persons for illegal fishing

A troop of Naval personnel attached to the Northwestern Naval Command apprehended two persons who were engaging in illegal fishing without fishing passes during a patrol carried out in Wellamundalam sea area, yesterday (8th February).
09 Feb 2019
Navy assists to nab a person who possessed conch shells illegally

On information given by SL Navy, Police STF at Panwava, arrested a person with a haul of conch shells weighing about 6 kg at Barracks Street area in Hambantota, today (8th February).
09 Feb 2019
Delegation of IPE Key Leadership Engagement calls on Commander of the Navy

A delegation of Indo - Pacific Endeavour (IPE) Key Leadership Engagement, headed by Air Commodore Richard David, currently in Sri Lanka, called on Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva at the Naval Headquarters yesterday (07th February).
08 Feb 2019
A donation worth of one million for the welfare of Naval children

A sum of Rs one million(10,00000) has been donated to the SL Navy Seva Vanitha Unit by Mrs Ayanka Koshian with her children, resided in USA, who is the wife of late Mr Gildus Koshian, a naval person attached to the engineering branch of France Navy.
08 Feb 2019
Navy wins big at 3rd stage of Sharp Shooter Championship

The 3rd stage of Sharp Shooter Championship organized by Hill Country Sport Shooting Club held from 31st January to 03rd February 2019 at the Hill Country Shooting Club firing range in Hanthana, Kandy.
08 Feb 2019
US Defence Attaché calls on Commander of the Navy

Lieutenant Colonel Douglas C. Hess, the Defence Attaché of the US Embassy in Sri Lanka called on Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva at the Navy Headquarters in Colombo today (07th February).
07 Feb 2019
Commander of the Navy calls on Speaker of the Parliament

Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva called on Speaker of the Parliament, Hon. Karu Jayasuriya at his office in the Parliamentary premises today (07th February).
07 Feb 2019
Commandant and a delegation of NMA visit Indian Naval Academy (INA)

On an invitation of Indian Navy, a six-member delegation from Naval and Maritime Academy headed by the Commandant Commodore Kalana Jinadasa, visited Indian Naval Academy in Ezhimala, Specialization Schools at INS Dronacharya and INS Venduruthy of the Southern Fleet of Indian Navy.
07 Feb 2019
Navy recovers a cache of explosives and a pressure mine

Naval personnel attached to the Eastern Naval Command together with officials of Trincomalee Police recovered a cache of explosives during a search conducted in the beach area of Erakkandi, Trincomalee today (06th February).
06 Feb 2019
Indian Naval ship “Jamuna” departs the island

The Indian Naval Ship “Jamuna” which arrived at the port of Colombo on last 20th December to take part in a joint programme of hydrographic survey in Sri Lankan waters departed the Colombo harbour on successful completion of their survey mission, today (06th February).
06 Feb 2019