Event News
Commander Ananda Dissanayake assumes duties as Commanding Officer of SLNS Ranawickrama

Commander (G) Ananda Dissanayake assumed duties as the new Commanding Officer of the Fast Gun Boat, SLNS Ranawickrama, today (6th June).
06 Jun 2018
Interest free loans granted to 60 senior sailors

Another 60 senior sailors of the Sri Lanka Navy were granted the interest free loan of five hundred thousand rupees (Rs.500,000/=) each, by the Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Sirimevan Ranasinghe at the Naval Headquarters, today (06 June 2018).
06 Jun 2018
Navy contributes in the World Environment Day

Extending her contribution in the public wellbeing projects, Sri Lanka Navy assisted in the cleaning campaigns of beach areas which were carried out on par with the World Environment Day and such beach cleaning programmes were held in the Western and Southern Naval commands, yesterday (5th June).
06 Jun 2018
Initial planning announced for SLINEX 2018

The initial planning conference of the 4th edition of Indian and Sri Lanka bilateral naval exercise, SLINEX 2018 was held at the Indian Navy’s Eastern Naval Command Headquarters in Vishakapatnam on 29th and 30th May 2018.
04 Jun 2018
Five persons apprehended by Navy for illegal acts

Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 5 (five) persons engaged in illegal activities at various places in the island during the past week.
04 Jun 2018
A team of SLN Marines joins Exercise RIMPAC – 2018

A team of Sri Lanka Navy Marines comprising 25 naval personnel headed by Lieutenant Commander (Marine) Sanath Mahinda left for Australia on 21 May 2018 to make its debut in the maritime exercise ‘Rim of the Pacific’ (RIMPAC) – 2018 hosted by the US Navy.
04 Jun 2018
5 illegal immigrants and 2 human smugglers held in northern seas

On receipt of information by the Navy, naval personnel onboard a Fast Attack Craft attached to the Northern Naval Command, during routine patrol, intercepted a suspicious dinghy in the northern seas and held 7 persons aboard this morning (03 July).
03 Jun 2018
Navy assists to clean beach areas in concurrent with National Environment Week

In concurrent with the National Environment Week, Sri Lanka Navy assisted to clean beach and mangrove areas and accordingly, cleaning programmes were carried out at the beach areas in Eastern and Western coastal lines, today (3 June).
03 Jun 2018
Navy cleans up Galle Face Green

The Galle Face Green which is one of the most popular places of tourist attraction in the city of Colombo has been littered with rubbish, polythene bags etc.
02 Jun 2018
SLN Dockyard Fire Service Celebrates 60th Anniversary (1958-2018)

Sri Lanka Navy Fire Service, now termed as Dockyard Fire Service proudly celebrated its 60th anniversary on 1st June 2018.
02 Jun 2018