Event News
Commander of the Navy Chief Guest at CINEC Logistics Day 2017

The Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Travis Sinniah, as the Chief Guest, graced the Logistics Day 2017 of the Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College (CINEC Campus) held at the Auditorium in the Campus premises in Malabe today (19th October 2017). The Commander of the Navy also delivered the key note address at the inaugural session.
19 Oct 2017
Indonesian Naval Ship Kri Bung Tomo arrives at port of Colombo

The Indonesian Naval Ship Kri Bung Tomo arrived at the port of Colombo on a goodwill visit today (19 October 2017). The ship was welcome by the Sri Lanka Navy in accordance with naval customs, upon her arrival.
19 Oct 2017
‘A Green Country, A Clean Environment’ - Navy replants corals in northern and eastern seas

In support of the vision, ‘A Green Country, A Clean Environment’ set by the Ministry of Environment, which incidentally comes under the purview of His Excellency the President as the subject minister, navy divers attached to the Northern and Eastern Naval Commands have embarked on replanting corals in the seas off the Coral Cove in Trincomalee and the Charty beach in Jaffna under the guidance of the Wild Life Research and Conservation Trust (WRCT).
17 Oct 2017
Deepavali festival celebrated at Dakshina Naval Preschool

To coincide with the Deepavali festival that falls tomorrow (18 October), a colourful Deepavali celebration was organized by the Dakshina Naval Preschool in Galle. The preschool teachers and children celebrated this festival of lights with great joy, giving prominence to the religious activities.
17 Oct 2017
Navy showcases its pomp at Saranankarabimani Exhibition – 2017

Sri Lanka Navy has opened a stall at the Saranankarabimani Exhibition – 2017 organized by the Sri Saranankara National School in Bingiriya in view of celebrating its 85th anniversary.
17 Oct 2017
Fourteen (14) persons taken into naval custody for engaging in illegal activities

Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 14 persons for engaging in illegal activities at separate locations in the island over the last couple of days. Accordingly, these suspects were arrested for illegal possession of timber, transferring Kerala Cannabis and engaging in illegal fishing practices.
16 Oct 2017
Navy renders assistance for elimination of drugs

The Navy renders its fullest assistance to the joint national effort for elimination of drugs launched under the direction of His Excellency the President Maithripala Sirisena to create a country free of drugs.
14 Oct 2017
08 Clearance Diving Officers pass out on successful completion of their strenuous training

On completion of 3 months of strenuous training, 8 Clearance Diving Officers (CDOs) of the Sri Lanka Navy passed out on 13 October 2017 at the Diving School of the Naval and Maritime Academy in Trincomalee.
14 Oct 2017
Sri Lanka Navy hands over 6 more fishing trawlers back to India.

On completion of repair work, the Sri Lanka Navy handed over 6 more Indian fishing trawlers back to India yesterday (13 October 2017).
14 Oct 2017
Two Katina ceremonies held under Navy patronage in the North

Under the guidance of the Commander Northern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Jayantha de Silva, the naval personnel of the Northern Naval Command rendered assistance for the conduct of two Katina ceremonies in the north recently.
14 Oct 2017