Event News
US Navy Ship ‘Fall River’ arrives in Sri Lanka

The US Navy Ship ‘Fall River’ belonging to the US Pacific Command arrived at the Port of Hambantota today (7).
07 Mar 2017
Navy clinches overall championship at Air Force cycle race

Able Seaman Aviska Medona of the Sri Lanka Navy, secured the overall championship at the Air Force Cycle Race 2017, organized by the Sri Lanka Air Force for the 18th time.
07 Mar 2017
Captain Anil Bowatte donates property to SLESA

Captain Anil Bowatte of the Sri Lanka Navy donated a 30 perches land with the residence building located in Katugasthota Kandy to Ex- Servicemen’s Association (SLESA) to be used as a Tri-Forces Veterans’ Home.
07 Mar 2017
Northern Naval Command conducts another field medical clinic at Eluvativu Island

As part of the Sri Lanka Navy’s Community Development and Social Responsibility Project, the Northern Naval Command conducted a field health clinic at the St. Thomas Catholic Church on 5th March 2017.
07 Mar 2017
Sri Lanka Navy’s Social Responsibility Project receives special recognition

The Sri Lanka Navy’s Social Responsibility Project of installing Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants, received special recognition at the awards ceremony organized by the Japan Sri Lanka Technical & Cultural Association (JASTECA).
06 Mar 2017
Annual Mass of Iranativu Church held with naval assistance

Marking the first Friday of 40 day lent season, the annual mass of the Church of Our Lady of Rosary was successfully conducted with the assistance of naval personnel of SLNS Buwaneka on 03rd March 2017, at the Island of Iranativu, located six nautical miles west of Nachchikuda.
06 Mar 2017
Navy arrests 24 Indian fishermen for engaging in illegal fishing practice

Sri Lanka Navy arrested 24 Indian fishermen who engaged in illegal fishing practices in Sri Lankan waters yesterday (4).
05 Mar 2017
Navy arrests 8 local fishermen engaged in illegal fishing

Naval personnel attached to SLNS Vijayaba located in Nilaweli in the Eastern Naval Command arrested 8 local fishermen engaged in illegal fishing in the sea area off Pigeon Island yesterday (4).
05 Mar 2017
8 Indian fishermen arrested while poaching in Sri Lankan waters

Naval personnel onboard a Fast Attack Craft attached to the Eastern Naval Command arrested 8 Indian fishermen along with a fishing trawler poaching in the sea area North of Pulmudai yesterday (3).
04 Mar 2017
Five Indian fishermen arrested while poaching in Sri Lankan waters

Naval personnel attached to SLNS Gajaba located in Mannar in the North Central Naval Command arrested 5 Indian fishermen along with their fishing trawler poaching in the sea area Southeast of Mannar yesterday (2).
03 Mar 2017